I fell in love with Polish art and crafts when I first travelled around Eastern Europe in the 1980's, It was the simplicity and beauty of the country style that I fell for. Those hand carved
painted wooden toys, the beautiful woven baskets, ornate decorations and all those rich and vibrant colours. Made from designs that have been honed over generation, using traditional methods and mostly sold locally by country people. Imagine all of this in a setting of wooden houses, orchards, horse driven carts and deep forests.

I moved to Poland in the 1990's and and worked as a designer for 15 years. I began to collect traditional Polish folk art.
I then returned to the UK and moved to Dorset. But I find I can't stay away from those beautiful Polish crafts! So I go back to the Polish countryside regularly to visit my favourite crafts people and select the best items I can find to sell in British markets and on-line. I choose only the most original and traditional toys, kitchenware, ceramics, rugs and wooden items made by small cooperatives or more often farming families working from home. I hope you will love them as much as I do!